Ecuador, officially the Republic of Ecuador, is a presidential republic in Western South America, bordered by the Pacific Ocean, Colombia and Peru. The GalÃÆápagos Islands in the Pacific, 1,000 kilometres away from the mainland, also are part of Ecuador. Ecuador achieved independence from the Spanish colonial empire and the republic of Gran Colombia in 1830.
.EC is the so-called country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of Ecuador.
.EC Domains can be registered by anyone.
## Domain Restrictions
No domain names which:
- are formed by words or phrases that may turn offensive, harsh or that may affect moral or public order or that may go against Ecuadorian Law.
- deal with official aspects or subjects without a proper authorization.
- match with protocol names, applications and terminology of the Internet or domain name terminology , e.g. "http", "web", "www", "ftp", "telnet", "email", etc.
- match identically and under the same level, with existing domain names within the database of NIC.EC.
- match names restricted for registry, according to NIC.EC Policies.
- country names and city names are blocked.
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Maria, Nordingrå
Hahaha, nu skojar ni lite? Hur kan man bli bättre än en varaktighet på ett ärende som tog 0 tid? Nja, det är svårt att överträffa :-) Tack så mycket! :-D
Sofia, Göteborg
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